小編給大家整理了GRE詞匯解析,希望可以幫助到大家, 我們一起來學習吧,下面小編就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。
inception: n. 開端,開始: an act, process, or instance of beginning
【考法1】n. 開端,開始: an act, process, or instance of beginning
【例】 This seemed like a good program at its inception, but it isn't working out as planned. 一開始這像是個不錯的項目,但是它沒有按照我們的預期發(fā)展
【近】 beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, genesis, kickoff, launch, nascence, onset, outset, start, threshold
【反】 close, conclusion, end, termination,omega 結束,終止
【派】 inceptive adj. 開端的,初生的
desiccate: 完全干涸,脫水, dry out thoroughly; to dry up
1) dehydrate / substance used to absorb moisture
2) to dry out thoroughly
3) to dry completely
Synonyms: dehydrate, deplete, witherdesiccate <> wet thoroughly, saturate, hydrate, sodden, add water to, drench, wet
desiccate : moisture
saturated : wet
desiccate :WATER
moisture: desiccant :: dirt: cleanser
drenched : wet :: desiccated : dry
moisture : desiccate
DESICCATED <-> saturated 使干燥; 使脫水; 變干<> 飽和的, 深顏色的, 滲透的
succulent <> desiccated 多汁的, 多汁性的, 多水分的《》 使干燥; 使脫水; 變干
ABRADED: FRICTION::desiccated: dehydration
abraded·friction=desiccated·dehydration 磨損產生于摩擦力=干燥產生于脫水
desiccated <-> saturated 使干燥; 使脫水; 變干<->飽和的, 深顏色的, 滲透的
desiccate <> drench使干燥<>弄濕
The desiccated landscape had not seen rain in months.
The dry desert air caused the bodies of the dead animals to desiccate quickly. odny
desiccate: 使干燥; 使脫水; 變干|完全干涸,脫水
enervate: 無力的, 衰弱的
incendiary: 煽動者; One who creates or stirs up factionalism or sedition; an agitator
Incendiary : agitate = INSURGENT : REBEL
【考法1】n. 煽動者: a person who stirs up public feelings especially of discontent
【例】behind-the-scenes incendiaries who were intending to overthrow the government 企圖推翻政府的幕后 煽動者
【近】demagogue, exciter, firebrand, fomenter, inciter, instigator, kindler, provocateur
【考法2】adj. 煽動性的: tending to inflame
【例】 an incendiary speech 煽動性的演說
【近】 agitational, instigative, provocative, seditious
【反】 conciliatory, pacific安撫性的
capricious: 善變的; governed or characterized by caprice
1) governed or characterized by caprice; characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable. arbitrary, INCONSTANT.
2) inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic, unpredictable
3) capriciously, capriciousness
4) impulsive, tending to act according to whim
5) changeable; fickle
6) changing one’s mind quickly and often
Synonyms: arbitrary, erratic, unpredictable
capricious <> persistent, predictable, pertinacious, stable, steadfast, immovable
capricious <> immovable, constant, deliberate, steadfast, pertinacious
capricious : deliberation
capriciousness <> pertinacity 善變<>頑固
He was so capricious that he rarely kept a job longer than a few months.
The capricious bride-to-be has a different church in mind for her wedding every few days.
capricious : deliberate = insubordinate : submissiveness(我選的這個,也有干擾項
capricious : whimsical = foresight : prudent
capricious : whim = objective : fact
mendicant: a beggar
mendicant ------ (n.) beggar; (adj.) depending on begging for a living I believe he is a mendicant who I see every morning
mendicant adj.行乞的 n.乞丐
mendicant : beg
mendicant: confusion
mendicant ------ People who live off begging can be called mendicants. However, you probably wouldn't call your kids mendicants, even though they beg you for stuff, because the word mendicant also implies extreme poverty. The noun mendicant can also refer to a man belonging to a religious order, such as the Franciscan Friars who do not own personal property but live together in a monastery and survive off alms donated by others. As an adjective, mendicant describes someone who lives such an existence.
adjective - Depending on alms for a living; practicing begging.
noun - A beggar.
noun - A member of an order of friars forbidden to own property in common, who work or beg for their living.
hyponym - Carmelite, Augustinian, sannyasi, grey friar, panhandler, White Friar, beggarman, moocher, mooch, cadger
