fledging 小鳥(niǎo) ing小東西 edge
flake 雪花,薄片
flair 本能
flaunt 炫耀
flock 一群,(禽,畜等的)群
flout 蔑視
flatter 溜須拍馬,奉承
flurry 困惑的,惶惶不安的
flack 廣告宣傳 lack
口訣:飛回 inch 是畏縮,飛來(lái)的原木在鞭打,飛在空中是本能,飛來(lái)的姑姑在炫耀,鎖在一起成群飛,飛到外面受輕視,飛到下面才掙扎。
TU: Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldier or sailors.
flange n.(火車車輪的)凸緣,輪緣 flare 搖曳 flask 燒瓶 flaw 瑕疵 flour 面粉
口訣:flee為逃走,fade是褪色,fling扔石頭,feeble才脆弱。feeble= vulnerable(依然很薄)
lag落后 flag 旗幟
lash 鞭打 flash 閃電
lame 瘸的 flame 火焰
lip 嘴唇 flip 輕擊
light 光 flight 飛行
are 是 flare 熊熊燃燒,閃耀,搖曳
flirt 調(diào)情 漢語(yǔ)拼音:撫弄他 逗她笑→調(diào)情
miff 小爭(zhēng)吵 聯(lián)想-tariff 關(guān)稅 raff 大量 skiff 輕舟 quaff 痛飲
antediluvian:史前的;陳舊的;extremely old and antiquated
1) a very old (or old fashioned) person
2) prehistoric, before the flood
3) ancient;outmoded;(literally,before the flood)
4) antiquated;extremely ancient 、
5) ancient, obsolete, pre historic
6) antiquated;extremely ancient
disputatious: 好爭(zhēng)辯的;fond of arguing; contentious; eager to dispute
1) argumentative; inclined to disputes
2) inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
His disputatious streak eventually wore down his fellow parliament members. as
The child was so disputatious he needed to be removed from the room.
polemic : disputatious
= invective : abusive 好爭(zhēng)論的:好爭(zhēng)辯的=謾罵的:辱罵
flagrant: 不能容忍的;Conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible
1) glaringly wrong
2) extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
flagrant <> hidden, concealed, subtle
flagrant <> obscure
flagrant <> clammy
The flagrant foul was apparent to everyone.
plebeian:平民的,社會(huì)下層的: belonging to the class of people of low social or economic rank
1) humble, one of the common people
平民的,社會(huì)下層的: belonging to the class of people of low social or economic rank
【例】 a man who rose to greatness but never forgot his plebeian past 一個(gè)仕途通達(dá),但從未忘卻自己平民出身的人
【近】 baseborn, common, humble, inferior, lowborn, lumpen, mean, prole, proletarian, unwashed, vulgar
【反】 aristocratic, genteel, gentle, highborn, highbred, lofty, noble, partrician, wellborn 上流社會(huì)的