I have a shiny dime that shines in the sun. The coin is 18 mm wide and 1 mm thick, but it weighs only 2 grams.
On the glittering silver coins, the most conspicuous one is the big "1". If you look carefully, you will find that there are straight lines in the "1". In the lower right corner of the word "1", there is a word "Jiao". In the lower left corner, the Pinyin of the two words "1 jiao" is cast
“YI JIAO”。在“1”字的下面鑄著這枚硬幣的生產(chǎn)日期,想知道這枚硬幣是在哪一年生產(chǎn)出來的嗎?是2007年,夠新潮了吧。在這枚硬幣的邊緣上還鑄著六個小字一中國人民銀行。
再看看背面吧,首先映入眼簾的是一幅美麗的蘭花圖。上面鑄著一根根尖銳的小草,一個個等待開放的花苞,還鑄著一朵朵爭奇斗艷的小花。想知道這幾朵是什么花嗎?它是聞名于中外的花中君子一蘭花,它還有“天下第一香”的美稱哩!硬幣的上邊緣鑄著“中國人民銀行”的拼音一ZHONG GUO REN MIN YIN HANG。