Zeng Zi was one of Confucius' students. Once, Zeng Zi's wife was going shopping. Because the child was crying loudly, she promised the child that she would kill their pig to treat him after she returned home.
After she returned, Zeng Zi captured1 to butcher the pig. His wife stopped him, saying "I was kidding the child." Zeng zi said: "There is no kidding with the children, because they know little and they usually imitate their parents and follow their instructions. If you cheat them, it is the same as teaching2 them to cheat the others." So Zeng Zi killed the pig.
He knew that sincerity3 and keeping one's words are the essentials of conducting oneself. If he broke his words, he might keep his pig, but he would leave a unforgettable shadow in his child's heart.