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  April Fool's day, also known as the All Fool's day, USA traditional festival, the festival on April 1st.

  愚人節(jié)已出現(xiàn)了幾百年,對于它的起源眾說紛紜。一種說法認為這一習俗源自印度的" 詮俚節(jié)"。該節(jié)規(guī)定,每年三月三十一日的節(jié)日這天,不分男女老幼,可以互開玩笑、互相愚弄欺騙以換得娛樂。

  April Fool's day has been there for hundreds of years, Public opinions are divergent. its origin. An argument that this practice originated in India, "Li Quan festival". The provisions of the section, the annual festival on March 31st that day, regardless of men and women,old and young, can each make fun of each other, the fool fool for entertainment.

  較普遍的說法是起源于法國。1564年,法國國 王查理九世決定采用新的紀年方法---格里高歷法,以一月一日為一年的開端,改變了過去以四月一日作為新年開端的歷法。新歷法推行過程中,各地有不少頑固 保守分子仍沿襲舊歷,拒絕更新。他們依舊在四月一日這天互贈禮物,組織慶祝新年的活動。

  Is a common originated from france. In 1564, the French Wang Chali nine decided to adopt a new method - Geligaolifa annals, in January 1st for the beginning of the year, has changed in the past as the New Year beginning April 1st calendar. The implementation of the new calendar, many around stubborn conservative activists followed the lunar calendar is still refusing to update. They are still in the April 1st Day gifts, organization of activities to celebrate the new year.

  對這種倒行逆施之舉,擁護新法的人們大加嘲弄。他們在四月一日這天 給頑固派贈送假禮物,邀請他們參加假慶祝會,并把這些受愚弄的人稱為"四月傻瓜"和"上鉤之魚"。以后,他們在這天互相愚弄,日久天長便成為一種風俗。該 節(jié)在十八世紀流傳到英國,后來又被英國移 民帶到美國。

  On the retroaction move, support new people derided. In April 1st they day to the diehards give false gifts, invited them to false celebration, and to these people fooled as "April fool" or "bait fish". Later, they fool each other on this day for many, many years to come, will become a kind of custom. The festival in eighteenth Century spread to Britain, and later by the British immigrants to America.

  起初,任何美國人都可以炮制駭人聽聞的消息,而且不負絲毫的道德和法律責任,政府和司法部門也不會追究。相反,誰編造的謊言最離奇、最能騙取 人們相信,誰還會榮膺桂冠。這種做法給社會帶來不少混亂,因而引起人們的不滿?,F(xiàn)在,人們?節(jié)日期間的愚弄欺騙已不再像過去那樣離譜,而是以輕松歡樂為目的。

  At first, the Americans can be cooked any news of the frightful to the ear, but not negative the slightest moral and legal responsibility, the government and the judiciary will not be prosecuted. On the contrary, who fabricated lies the most bizarre, most people believe that fraud, who will receive the laurel crown. This approach to bring a lot of social chaos, thus caused dissatisfaction. Now, people? During the festival the fool fool has no longer as outrageous, but for the purpose of easy pleasure.




