打招呼是考官觀察考生的第一步,所以一定要大方,自然。要注意在面試過程中表現(xiàn)出良好的文化修養(yǎng)。進(jìn)入面試室之前,應(yīng)該先敲門;進(jìn)門后,應(yīng)主動(dòng) 問候考官。如果考官伸出手表示要握手,考生應(yīng)當(dāng)立即上前熱情大方地與對(duì)方握手。但考生不應(yīng)主動(dòng)要求握手,更不能戴著手套握手。問候要自然,不要背誦已準(zhǔn)備好的問候語,那樣會(huì)給人一種虛假的感覺。
有的考生一味迎合考官,像一個(gè)唯唯諾諾的用人,無論考官說什么,都表示贊成或者一味地點(diǎn)頭,開口閉口就有意恭維考官: “You are perfectly right?!被颉癢hat you have said is true?!边@樣只顧一心奉承考官而不敢發(fā)表自己的意見或見解,其結(jié)果只能是使口試越來越枯燥,乏味;考官最終會(huì)對(duì)你失去信心而得出結(jié)論:你是個(gè)平庸之輩。
Describe a popular comic actor/actress(New)
you should say:
· who this person is
· how you know him or her
· how he or she is funny
· and explain why he or she is popular in your country
Part 3
Who do you think are more famous, comic actors or serious actors?
How do some actors become famous?
Do you think film actors earn a lot of money?
Do you think being an actor/actress would be a good job?
What kinds of entertainment do young people like?
Describe a sports person you admire(New)
You should say:
· who the person is
· what sport he or she does
· when did you first hear about this person
· and why you admire him or her.
Part 3
Do people in China pay much attention to internationalsport
What sports or forms of physical exercise are mostpopular in China?
Do you think some of these professional athletes areoverpaid?
What benefits do you think people get from doing physicalexercise?
Which do you think is better, to exercise alone or toexercise with a friend?
Describe someone who is talkative(New)
You should say:
· Who this person is
· How you know this person
· What this person likes to talk about
· How you feel about this person
Part 3
Are you talkative?
Do you think women are generally more talkative than men?
Which do you prefer, to talk with someone face-to-face ortalk with someone online?
Describe a popular person you know
You should say:
· Who he or she is
· What he or she did
· When you first knew him or her
· And explain why do you think he or she is popular
Part 3
What are the qualities of being popular?
Do you think we need some talents before we becomepopular?
Do you think children should imitate their idols?
What influences do popular stars have on teenagers?
Do you think popular stars have more freedom or less?
Describe someone who is a good parent.
You should say:
· Who the person is
· What kind of person he/she is
· Why you think he/she is good
· And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
How often do you communicate with your parents?
How much do you think people should be responsible for(the welfare of) their own parents?
What social values should parents teach children?
Do parents in your country spend a lot of time with theirchildren?
Do you think parents’ character can affect young people’s development?
Do you think you will be a good parent?
Describe an interesting job that you want to have(New)
You should say:
· What it is
· How you can find this job
· What qualities it requires
· And explain why you think you will be good at it
Part 3
What careers are popular in your country?
Is it easy for find a job in your country?
Do you think money is the most important factor toconsider?
What kind of work environment do most people prefer towork in?
Would you prefer to work full-time or part-time?
Describe a time when you changed your mind/plan(New)
You should say:
· When this happened
· What made you change the plan
· What the new plan was
· And how you felt about the change
Part 3
Do you like change in your life?
Do you think change is important in life?
Do you think it's good for people to sometimes changetheir plans?
Have there been many recent changes in your community?
Describe a trip by public transport(New)
You should say:
· where you were going
· what kind of public transport it was
· what you did during the trip
· and explain how you felt during this trip.
Part 3
What forms of public transport do you have in yourhometown?
Why do many people choose to use public transport?
Are there any disadvantages to using public transport?
Do you think people should give up driving their car andride a bicycle instead?
What do you imagine public transport will be like in the future?
Describe a time you spent with your friend in your childhood(New)
You should say:
· Who is this friend
· How did you know about each other
· what you did with your friend
· And explain why you describe this time
Part 3
What things cause people to recall memories from theirchildhood?
Can you remember things from your childhood very well?
Can you remember things from your childhood very well?
Why do you think many people's childhood friends tend notto be their friends when they become adults?
Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future(New)
You should say:
· Where this place is
· Who you would like to go with
· What would you do there
· and explain why you would like to go there
Part 3
How should one prepare for a trip?
Are there any special or interesting places to visit inyour country?
Do people in your country like to travel abroad?
How can people benefit from traveling?
Do you prefer to visit popular places or less well-knownplaces?
Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’ t done(New)
You should say:
· what it was
· when your friend did it
· where your friend did it
· and explain why it was interesting
Part 3
Do you think friendship is important?
What are the qualities of a good friend?
Are you very similar to your friends?
What would happen to a person if he or she had nofriends?
What are the most memorable times of a friendship?
Describe the time when you received your first cellphone(New)
You should say:
· When it was
· Who gave you the cellphone
· What it was like
· How you felt about it
Part 3
What changes has the introduction of cell phones broughtto people's lives?
Do cell phones ever cause inconvenience to people?
Compare fixed-line phones with cell phones as a means ofcommunication.
Why do you think so many people use their cell phone in apublic place, where other people can hear what they're saying?
Describe a time when you were shopping at a street market(New)
You should say:
· When it was
· Where it was
· What you bought
· How you felt about the shopping experience
Part 3
Do many people buy things in street markets?
What factors do people consider before they decide to buysomething?
For you, which is more important when buying something,the price or the quality?
Why do some people prefers to buy things online?
Do you think it's safe to use credit cards?
Describe a competition you would like to take part in(New)
You should say:
· what competition it would be
· what happens in such a competition
· what preparations you would need to make for thiscompetition
· and explain why you would like to take part in thiscompetition.
Part 3
What is the most popular competitive game in yourcountry?
What benefits do people get from playing these games?
Why do many people dislike competition?
Do you think competition should be encouraged in school?
Describe a party that you joined(New)
You should say:
· When it took place
· Where it was
· What you did there
· And how you felt about the party
Part 3
Do people in your country like parties?
On what occasions are parties held in your country?
What do people do at parties in your country?
Do you think people feel pressure when organizing aparty?
How important would say family gatherings and partiesare?
Describe a memorable story told by someone
You should say:
· What it is
· Who told you about it
· When he/she told you
· And explain why it was impressive/how you felt about it
Part 3
Do you think technology changed stories? Why or why not?
Compare of reading book story and watching cartoon, whichone is better for children.
Do you think it’s important for parents to read bedtimestories fir their children?
How to keep reading habits in your busy life?
What books would you recommend young people to read?
Describe a historical period in your country
You should say:
· When was this
· What happened during this period
· Who played an important role during this period of time
· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it
Part 3
Do young people like historical stories in your country?
Which historical period do you think is important in yourcountry?
Do you think history matters in a country’s futuredevelopment?
What is the effective way of learning history, by readingbooks or watching videos?
Why should we learn history?
Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person inyour family
You should say:
· What it is
· How often you do it
· Who you do it with
· Why you enjoy doing it with this person
Part 3
How much time should parents spend with their childrenevery day?
Do young people like to live with old people in yourcountry?
What’s the most important thing that young people can learnfrom old people?
Describe an occasion you had to be polite
You should say:
· What the occasion was
· Where it was
· Who was with you
· And explain why you had to be polite
Part 3
Do you think people should be polite to strangers orfriends (family)?
Which kind of occasion do people should be polite in yourcountry.
In which ways do people show their politeness in your country?
Are people in your country becoming much politer or not?
What are the uncivilized manners on publictransportation?
Describe an occasion when someone visit your home
You should say:
· Who this person was
· When it happened
· What you did together
· And explain how you felt about him or her visit
Part 3
Do young people like to visit their friends nowadays?
Is there any change between past and nowadays fortreating visitor in your culture?
Do you think technology has brought us closer or not?
What time do you think is suitable for visiting?
Do you like to stay in a hotel or in your friend’s house whenvisiting them? why?
Describe an unforgettable meal you had
You should say:
· When was it
· Where you had the meal
· What happened during the meal
· And explain why it was unforgettable/how you felt aboutit
Part 3
Why do you think Chinese food is so popular in the world?
Do you like eat at restaurant or cooking at home?
Talking about cooking style, what’s the differentbetween past and nowadays?
What do you think are the benefits of having dinnertogether?
Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?
Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money
You should say:
· When and where this happened
· What you did
· Who you were with
· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it
Part 3
People prefer go out or stay indoor today?
In general, do people like going out alone or withfriends?
Do teenagers spend much more money than before?
How can people save money as much as possible?
Why is online shopping so popular these days?
Describe a time you saved money for something
You should say:
· When and where this happened
· What you did
· Who you were with
· And explain why it was special/how you felt about it
Part 3
People prefer go out or stay indoor today?
In general, do people like going out alone or withfriends?
Do teenagers spend much more money than before?
How can people save money as much as possible?
Why is online shopping so popular these days?
Describe an event or festival you celebrated before
You should say:
· When it was
· Who you were with
· What did you do
· And explain why you like it
Part 3
Which events would be most important in your country?
Hoe people ensure the important events go well?
Do you like to plan for an important meeting or activity?
In your country, do you think good appearance isimportant while finding a job?
Describe a good service you received
You should say:
· What the service was
· When you received it
· Who you were with
· How you felt about it
Part 3
What kinds of service are not good?
How do you deal with impolite waiters?
What’s the difference between services in big and smallshops?
How should people do when they get bad service?
Why do some older people want to be waiters in the bigcities?
Do you think that all the waiters should be giventraining classes?
Describe an occasion you helped someone.
You should say:
· When and where it happened
· Whom you helped
· What you did
· And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
Do people in China being helpful these days?
How to teach children to be helpful to others?
How do you show helpfulness to others?
What kinds of behavior are helpful for you?
In what ways can friends help each other?
Describe a good decision made by other people you know.
You should say:
· Who made the decision?
· Why he/she made the decision
· What happened later?
· And explain why it is a good decision
Part 3
Do you think it's difficult to make decisions?
Are there any decisions that can be better made by women,and other decisions that can be better made by men?
Who makes most of the major decisions in yourfamily?
Do you think it's difficult to make decisions within thefamily?
Do you think the children within a family can ever be helpful in the decision-making process?