


一網(wǎng)寶 分享 時間: 加入收藏 我要投稿 點贊



1. He is a fraternity brother. 他是兄弟會的一員。


2. She is a sorority sister. 她是姐妹會的成員。

男生是兄弟會,女生就是姐妹會了。在男生多的學校里,sorority 大概就跟臺大的女生宿舍一樣地吸引眾人的目光吧。尤其是每年秋天,他們都會招收新會員(Fall rush),所有的人都會站在門口迎接新生,場面好不壯觀!

3. I am returning this book. 我想要還這本書。

借書叫borrow a book,還書是return a book,不過有趣的是,他們不會說"I return the book.",而會說"I am returning this book." 因為事實上現(xiàn)在進行式有未來的意思在里面,所以這句話就等于"I will return this book."

4. I want to renew this book 我想續(xù)借我的書。

Renew 就是“續(xù)借”的意思。比如說你去圖書館借了一本書,書到期了但是你還想繼續(xù)借這本書,你就可以說"I want to renew this book." 任何固定時間一到要去換約我們都叫renew。例如你的汽車牌照過期了,或是你的保單到期了要去更新或是中文里講的續(xù)約,也是用renew. 比如說,"I want to renew my car insurance for this coming year. "

5. I just bought a brand new car. 我買了一輛新車。

Brand new 感覺上比new 還要來的更新一點。凡是全新,剛出廠的東西叫brand new,可能是說連商標(brand) 都還在上面的意思吧!

6. He is really a tough guy; he takes no prisoner. 他很嚴格,手下絕不留情。

這是我聽老美形容他們教授的,就是說他們教授很嚴格,而且絕不留活口(就像臺灣說的大刀,掛人無數(shù))。所謂takes no prisoner指的是戰(zhàn)爭時不收戰(zhàn)俘,抓到全部殺死的意思,也就是說夠狠。

老美常用tough 來形容一件事情的困難或是一個人的強硬態(tài)度,例如,"Today is a tough day for me." 就是說今天過得很不容易啦。要是說"The professor is tough." 則是說這個教授教課很嚴格,很不好混的意思。要是別人遇到這種tough 的教授,你就可以鼓勵他,"Tough it out!" 就是說把它撐過去。

同樣地,這句話你也可以說成"The professor goes for kill." 就是說這個教授支持殺戮,下手絕不留情。

7. It's a cake course. 這門課很容易過。

我們說一門課很好修,就用cake course 這個字,或是只說It's a cake,別人也是會了解的。還有我聽一個從柏克萊大學來的學生說,他們把很好修的課程叫Micky Mouse,很有趣吧? 大家參考參考。

8. Which department is she in? 她是哪一個系的?

我們都知道主修是用major 這個字,簡單地問法就是,"What's your major?" 但是你也可以用which field 或是which department 來代替。比如說有人來演講,你想知道他是什么系的教授,你就可以問"Which department is she in?" 或是"Which field is she in?" 還有一種最口語問主修的問法,就是問人家"What are you studying?" 就可以了。

9. Is there any way we can move it? 我們有沒有辦法換個地方?

Way 就是辦法,你可以說,"Is there some other way...?" 就是有沒有其它的辦法。move it 可以指很多事,如換教室,換地點,都可以用move,不要再說change place 了。這是有一次老師宣布在某間教室考試,可是因為那間教室平時就很吵,所以我的同學就舉手說,"Is there any way we can move it?"


Family 家庭

1. ■2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


? 不是所有的父母都是好老師 ? 最好的老師不僅僅是父母

? 有些父母盡管善良,但對教育孩子一無所知 ?




(2)父母和我們最為親密,在任何時候,都會毫無保留地給我們知識 (3)父母最了解我們,所以他們給我們的建議和意見都是最有針對性的

2. ■61 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15- to 18-year-old) teenage children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.



? 支持這樣的做法的理由:older teenage children還不夠成熟(immature),考慮不夠周全(inconsiderate),尤其涉及到經(jīng)濟相關(guān)的決定時,缺乏獨立承擔能力(incapable of being independent)。 ? 然而,“如何保證parents或者adult relatives所作的決定就是正確的”也是個問題。


另外,總是把孩子排除在決定權(quán)之外,是否會使孩子變得“沒能力做出任何決定”?the ability to make sound decision是人生道路上很重要的能力之一。




(2)15-18歲的人沒有足夠資金來做決定。父母需要為他們出錢,所以父母要做這個決定。比如說上私立或者公立學校 (3)父母對于15-18歲的孩子來說對他們更了解。所以他們做的決定是更正確。

3. ■179 In your opinion, what are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. ★ [加拿大2006.8.12]


179 好的父母的標準是: (1)愛護孩子 (2)在孩子處于困難的時候給予他幫助 (3)誠實,正直

In my point of view, good parent should have several crucial characters. First and the foremost, they have responsibility. They consider it is their responsible to look after the kids and lead them to the right way. They care everything about the kids. Secondly, they must be very patient, and have good temper. They know how to control themselves when they are angry, and teach the kids patiently. It is very important because their temple and attitude to their kids will influence them a lot in the rest of life. At last, they should understand the difference between two generations. That means they can tolerate the kids when they do something new and the parents should allow for this.

I think it?s very important for a parent to be honest, supportive and understanding. First, honesty is a crucial character for a good parent because being honest will set a good example for the children. When I was little, I once skipped classes to play and cheated my parents when I got home. My father scolded me and told me stories about honesty for 3 hours, and I believe I have learned a lot from him. Also, being supportive is important for a parent too. Even though parents might not always be able to help the children academically or financially, still, they may always support their children mentally. Last but certainly not the least, understanding. As known to all, there is a so-called generation gap which makes it difficult for the effective communication between parents and children. But I believe with more understanding of the younger generation?s life style, parents will gain more respect from the children, and the family atmosphere will be filled with happiness and joy.

4. ■114 Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position.

參見:[66]114、 家庭對于年輕的成年人有最大的影響

(1)父母是他們的第一個老師,所以年輕的成年人傾向與聽父母的意見 (2)年輕的成年人與父母的相處時間最長,父母的性格對他們的影響最大




1. ■29 Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that

human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 參考分析:

不要急于選擇。兩種觀點都過于含混。Human activity指的是什么?

飲食起居:廣東人把某種海豚(dolphin)吃得almost extinct;美國人養(yǎng)寵物鸚鵡(parrot),導致南美洲很多稀有品種(rare species)瀕臨滅絕。

科學研究:好的例子很多,比如電的發(fā)明。不好的也很多,克隆(clone)技術(shù)、基因重組(gene engineering)技術(shù),可能導致道德(moral value)的淪喪(deteriorated; ruined); 諾貝爾的發(fā)明(炸藥explosive)究竟殺了多少人?塑料袋(plastic bags)的發(fā)明,導致了多少white pollution?


結(jié)論:人類的行為對地球的影響,有好的,也有壞的。很難說哪一種更多。 相關(guān)題目:[37]


(1)地球的自然資源消失的很快 (2)環(huán)境污染問題 (3)人類發(fā)動戰(zhàn)爭。人口、古跡、土地都受到了損失




